CoLoRs of EfaH PLain InnEr SyrIa

WhY eFah PlaIn SyrIA?

1. They are made from jersey fabric which means better quality than cotton

2. Vibrant colors to match ur shawls n clothes

3. Not feathery after wash

4. Strechable and comfort satisfaction

CoLoRs AVaILaBle

TeaL = sOld oUt
GoLd = sOld oUt
LiGht GrEEn = 4PieCes
DaRk MarOOn = 5PieCes
ReD = SoLd Out
GrEy = 1PiECe
OcEan BLue = 4PieCes
PeaCes = 1PieCes
DaRk PiNk = 4PieCes
